Emily R Gallagher, MD, MPH

- Children's Title: Attending Physician
- Academic Title: Associate Professor
- Research Center: Center for Clinical and Translational Research
- On Staff Since: October 2014
"I strongly believe that providing excellent medical care requires a team. In Craniofacial Medicine, I am fortunate to work with a dedicated team of providers from various specialties who collaborate to help patients reach their full potential. Whether meeting parents after a prenatal diagnosis, seeing an infant with a newly diagnosed craniofacial condition, or talking with an adolescent who has been through years of treatment, I am passionate about helping my patients and families find solutions to problems and improve health outcomes. I am inspired by my patients and feel honored to work with such courageous and resilient children."
Emily Gallagher, MD, MPH, is an attending physician at Seattle Children's Hospital and an Associate Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Washington School of Medicine. She completed her fellowship in Craniofacial Medicine at Seattle Children's Hospital in 2011.
Dr. Gallagher's research focuses on improving neurodevelopmental and academic outcomes for children with craniofacial conditions. She studies interventions that improve these outcomes, including coaching for caregivers about dialogic reading and improving access to hearing screening and treatment in low resource settings. She is the Director of the 22q Program and leads a dedicated multidisciplinary team focused on improving treatment and outcomes for patients and families affected by 22q11.2-related disorders. Dr. Gallagher also enjoys teaching medical students, residents, and fellows.
Board Certification(s)
Oregon Health & Science University School of Medicine, Portland, OR
University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CAResidency
University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA
Seattle Children's Hospital, Seattle, WA
Clinical Interests
Dr. Gallagher cares for patients in both ambulatory clinic and inpatient settings. Her experience caring for patients with a range of craniofacial conditions and her motivation to help patients reach their highest potential has inspired her research interests. While caring for patients, she strives to have excellent communication with patients and caregivers, primary care providers, and other subspecialty providers as she guides patients through their treatment.
Research Description
Dr. Gallagher's research is focused on improving neurodevelopmental and academic outcomes for children with a range of craniofacial conditions. She has developed and studied interventions that use book sharing and parent/caregiver coaching to help young children improve language and other areas of development. She has studied the impact of hearing loss associated with craniofacial conditions on children. She helps lead a global research team on studies to improve access to newborn hearing screening and ear and hearing care in low-resource settings. Working primarily in Kenya, the team has supported the development of policy and guildelines for the country as a model that could be implemented in other low- and middle-income countries working on program development for newborn hearing screening and care for children who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing. She has also supported research to improve care for children with 22q Deletion Syndrome, including studying targeted clinical drug trials.
Patient Testimonials
Awards and Honors
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Research Funding
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Clinical Trials and Research Studies
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No clinical trials found for Emily R Gallagher, MD, MPH.