Ghayda Mirzaa, MD

- Academic Title: Associate Professor, Pediatrics and Medical Genetics, University of Washington School of Medicine
- Research Title: Principal Investigator
- Research Center: Norcliffe Foundation Center for Integrative Brain Research
- On Staff Since: September 2012
"When I was growing up in the Middle East, I saw many children who were affected by disorders affecting early brain development, but didn't always have access to good quality medical care. These disorders were often devastating for them and their families, and I resolved to find a way to help. Now, as a physician and a researcher, my goal is to uncover the genes that cause these disorders, understand these conditions better, and to hopefully find better ways to treat and potentially cure them."
Ghayda Mirzaa, MD, is a pediatrician and researcher who has dedicated her career to helping children and families with developmental brain disorders. As a pediatrician, she delivers the best available treatments, and helps children and families lead the healthiest possible lives. As a researcher, she investigates how genes contribute to neurodevelopmental disorders.
Mirzaa is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Medical Genetics at the University of Washington School of Medicine and principal investigator at the Seattle Childrens Research Institute. She is board-certified in pediatrics, medical genetics and molecular genetics. She received her MD from the Arabian Gulf University (Kingdom of Bahrain), did her residency in pediatrics at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and completed fellowships in human genetics and molecular genetics at the University of Chicago and the University of Washington.
Board Certification(s)
Medical Genetics, Clinical Molecular Genetics
Arabian Gulf University, Manama
University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL
University of Chicago School of Medicine, Chicago, IL
University of Washington, Seattle, WA -
Related Resources
Dr. Ghayda Mirzaa is pinpointing the genes that contribute to many neurodevelopmental disorders. She helped discover many genes that cause focal cortical dysplasia, megalencephaly and microcephaly. This work is opening the door to new treatments that could modify or fix the errors in these genes, addressing the underly
Ghayda Mirzaa, MD Researcher Profile
View the Seattle Children's Research Institute profile of Ghayda Mirzaa including their publications and grants.
Patient Testimonials
Awards and Honors
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Research Funding
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Clinical Trials and Research Studies
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