Thor A Wagner, MD

- Academic Title: Associate Professor
- Research Center: Center for Global Infectious Disease Research
- On Staff Since: July 2008
"My research is inspired by patients that I meet and directed at the problems that they face. There are exciting opportunities to adapt current biotechnology to help our patients' needs, and it's great motivation to know that the research we do has the potential to directly benefit our patients."
Thor Wagner, MD: Assistant Professor of Pediatric Infectious Diseases. Dr. Wagner's research is focused on pediatric HIV infection, which accounts for 15% of all HIV deaths.
My primary interest is understanding chronic HIV infection during antiretroviral therapy. Specifically, why doesn't antiretroviral therapy eradicate HIV infection? Is there ongoing viral replication? Is there proliferation of cells with viable proviral HIV? Can we identify the remaining infected cells? Is immune tolerance to HIV a barrier to curing HIV? Answers to these questions should help design new treatment strategies more likely to cure HIV.
My other research interest is improving infectious disease diagnostics in low resource settings. Specifically, I am working to develop a point-of-care diagnostic test for infant HIV. Currently there is no simple test to diagnose infants with HIV, and 50% of HIV-infected children die before they can be diagnosed. To accomplish this we are utilizing state-of-the-art monoclonal antibody screening technology to optimize the sensitivity of immunoassays to detect HIV antigens.Board Certification(s)
Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA
Children's Hospital of New York, New York, NY
Seattle Children's Hospital, Seattle, WA
Clinical Interests
General pediatric infectious diseases, pediatric HIV
Mechanism of persistent HIV infection despite effective treatment, improving HIV diagnostics for the low resource settingsResearch Description
My research is focused on pediatric HIV infection, which accounts for 15percent of all HIV deaths.
My primary interest is understanding chronic HIV infection during antiretroviral therapy. Specifically, why doesn't antiretroviral therapy eradicate HIV infection? Is there ongoing viral replication? Is there proliferation of cells with viable proviral HIV? Can we identify the remaining infected cells? Is immune tolerance to HIV a barrier to curing HIV? Answers to these questions should help design new treatment strategies more likely to cure HIV.
My other research interest is improving infectious disease diagnostics in low resource settings. Specifically, I am working to develop a point-of-care diagnostic test for infant HIV. Currently there is no simple test to diagnose infants with HIV, and 50percent of HIV-infected children die before they can be diagnosed. To accomplish this we are utilizing state-of-the-art monoclonal antibody screening technology to optimize the sensitivity of immunoassays to detect HIV antigens.Research Focus Area
Infectious Disease
Related Resources
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Clinical Trials and Research Studies
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