Treatments and Services

Neurotherapeutics Clinic

What is the Neurotherapeutics Clinic?

Neurogenetic conditions are conditions that affect the , such as the brain, or how nerves control muscles. There are many different neurogenetic conditions. They are caused by changes related to your child’s developing nervous system. Depending on their disorder, children with neurogenetic conditions may have brain malformations, , , behavioral differences or problems with control of movement or speech. 

Seattle Children’s Neurotherapeutics Clinic has expertise in diagnosing these rare conditions and access to research studies of promising new treatments such as .

Our Neurotherapeutics team serves children, teens and young adults throughout Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana and Idaho. We offer clinics at Seattle Children’s hospital campus and via visits.

What’s special about Seattle Children’s Neurotherapeutics Clinic?

Seattle Children’s is the only pediatric hospital in the Pacific Northwest named as a Rare Disease Center of Excellence by the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD). Children with neurogenetic conditions often have complex needs. Our experts will diagnose your child and connect them to care. We may refer your child to Seattle Children’s experts in epilepsy syndromes, neuromuscular disorders, inherited metabolic disorders, neurodevelopmental conditions and rehabilitation medicine.

Research to gain insights and advance care

Genetics is one of the fastest-changing areas in medicine, as researchers continue to pinpoint the genes that cause a wide range of disorders. Seattle Children’s researchers work to identify genetic causes of disease and find new ways to test for and treat them. Identifying the precise genetic cause of a disorder can open the door to more treatment options and help develop new ones.

We help enroll your child in that might benefit their condition. Your child may also take part in research , studies and that collect medical information about children with neurogenetic conditions. By combining information from many children with the same rare disease, we can look for patterns and gain insights for better diagnosis and treatment. 

Learn how our genetic epilepsy research helps us offer more treatment options and give families better information about their children’s seizures.

Conditions We Evaluate

We care for children, teens and young adults with genetic conditions that affect how their nervous system forms and works. Our team partners with Seattle Children’s experts in conditions such as:

Services We Offer

At regular clinics and by telemedicine, we provide these services to children with diagnosed or suspected neurogenetic conditions:

  • Clarifying a diagnosis. Some children have symptoms of a neurogenetic condition but may not have a defined genetic diagnosis or may have unclear results. We help interpret these results for families and their care providers to accurately diagnose their genetic condition.
  • to explain the results of genetic testing and what that means for your child and family. We offer support and resources to help your family cope and get the right care.
  • Referrals to specialized clinics so your child gets complete, coordinated care.
  • , including of promising new treatments.
  • Helping your child take part in research studies to learn more about their condition. Examples are or studies to find in blood that show a person has a condition.

Scheduling a Visit With the Neurotherapeutics Clinic

Who’s on the Neurotherapeutics team?

Providers in our Neurotherapeutic Clinic include:


Genetic counselors

  • Shawna  Feely, MS, CGC

    Shawna Feely, MS, CGC

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  • Desiree Luckett

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Contact Us

  • If you’d like an appointment, ask your healthcare provider to refer you to Seattle Children’s Neurotherapeutics Clinic. Our clinic is part of Seattle Children’s Neurosciences Center.
  • If you have a referral, call 206-987-2016 for an appointment.
  • Providers, see how to refer a patient for Neurosciences care.

Telemedicine at Seattle Children’s

You may be offered a telehealth (virtual) appointment. Learn more.

Paying for Care

Learn about paying for care at Seattle Children’s, including insurance coverage, billing and financial assistance.